We provide accurate medical tests and accredited water & food analysis.
Contact us

Xenia Soteriadou clinical lab

Our clinical laboratory has been operating in Paphos for 30 years, under the direction of biopathologist Dr. Xenia Soteriadou Marcou. We provide our medical/diagnostic services with precision and reliability.





est. since

2 days

for results

Xs food & water lab

Xs lab, our food & water laboratory is accredited with ISO17025 and it provides it's services to hotels, restaurants and other catering units with quality and reliability.

Microbiological & biochemical analysis of water.
Food microbiology analysis.

Xenia Soteriadou Clinical Lab

Our Clinical Laboratory has been operating in Paphos for over 30 years, under the direction of biopathologist Dr. Xenia Soteriadou Marcou. We provide our medical/diagnostic services with precision and reliability.



tests run
every month


est. since

2 days

for results

XS Water & Food Lab

XS Lab, our Water & Food Laboratory is accredited with ISO17025 (L096) and it provides its quality services to hotels, restaurants and other catering units with precision and reliability.

Microbiological & chemical analysis of water.
Food microbiology analysis.


hotels and
catering units


cafes and

3 days

for results

Clinical Lab testing procedure


Your appointment

Call us to book your appointment, or simply drop by the lab.

Contact us


One of our professional staff members will take your samples in the lab. We also offer at home sampling services for people with impaired physical mobility.


Your results

Within a few days you will receive your test results either in person, via call, email or fax, or through the GHS platform.


Your consultation

Dr Xenia Soteriadou offers medical consultations based on your results.

Water & Food testing procedure


Your appointment

Call us to book your appointment, or simply drop by the lab.

Contact us


Our staff will collect the samples from your facility and transfer them safely to the lab.


Your results

Our staff will call you to inform you about your results. You may receive your results in person, over the phone, via fax or email.


Your consultation

In case of problematic results, we offer guidance to our clients for their corrective actions.

Meet our team of experts

Our Clinical Laboratory has been operating in Paphos since 1989, under the direction of biopathologist Dr. Xenia Soteriadou Marcou. We provide our medical/diagnostic services with precision and reliability.

Dr. Xenia Soteriadou Marcou


Dr. Xenia Soteriadou graduated from the Medical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in 1978. After four years of training in hospital clinical laboratories (1978-1982), she acquired the specialty of biopathologist. From 1980 to 1988 Dr. Xenia was working in the laboratory of Hygeia Private Hospital in Athens. A year later she returned to Cyprus and since then she has been providing her medical services to local people.

Dr. Xenia Soteriadou Marcou


Msc Demetris Marcou

BSc Microbiology & Molecular biology
MSc Medical microbiology
MSc Immunology

Demetris graduated from Manchester Metropolitan University in 2014, and as a young passionate scientist he continued his postgraduate studies in Immunology (University of Nicosia 2016) and later on in Medical Microbiology (Middlesex University London 2018). After receiving his postgraduate degrees, he returned to Cyprus and since then he has been working as the quality manager in XS lab.

Demetris Marcou

BSc Microbiology & Molecular biology
MSc Medical microbiology
MSc Immunology

Dr. Xenia Soteriadou Marcou


Dr. Xenia Soteriadou graduated from the Medical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in 1978.After four years of training in hospital clinical laboratories (1978-1982), she acquired the specialty of biopathologist.

Dr Xenia Soteriadou Marcou profile picture

Dr. Xenia Soteriadou Marcou


Msc Demetris Marcou


Dr. Xenia Soteriadou graduated from the Medical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in 1978.After four years of training in hospital clinical laboratories (1978-1982), she acquired the specialty of biopathologist.

Demetris Marcou profile picture

Demetris Marcou

MSc Microbiology
MSc Immunology

Join the team

XS Lab is always looking for people that are passionate about working in the health profession and would like to join our team of experts in the following positions.

External Lab Sampler


Basic knowledge of biology and test sampling.

Job requirements

Environmental sampling for lab tests. Includes sampling of water, food, waste and surface swaps.
Job application

Laboratory Technician


Previous work experience in a lab.
BSc Degree in any field of Biology.

Job requirements

Biological and environmental test sampling.
Handling of automated laboratory analyzers.
Conducting manual laboratory techniques.
Posting and/or publishing of sample analysis test results.
Job application

Laboratory Supplier


Iso accreditation.

Selection criteria

Quality of service/product.
Service level & speed.
Technical support.
Job application